9 Things Baby Zuckerberg Should Know About Her Famous Parents

Welcome, Zuckerbaby. You've got some big shoes to fill.

learn more about Kim Lachance Shandrow

ByKim Lachance Shandrow

Mark Zuckerberg | Facebook

Opinions expressed by Entrepreneur contributors are their own.

Welcome to the limelight, little Max Zuckerberg. You've officially graduated from globally famousbaby bump跳跃的亿万富翁baby.

Congratulations, kiddo. You cleared life's first hurdle. Next comes filling some seriously big shoes. In case you haven't heard, your dad is Mark Zuckerberg, 31, a quiet genius who reads and writes in Hebrew, French, Latin and ancient Greek. He also forever changed the Internet -- and how1 billionhumans communicate -- with this little thing called Facebook. No big deal.

Your mom is Dr. Priscilla Chan, 30, a teacher and pediatrician who your daddy describes as "intense yet kind, fierce yet loving, leading yet always supporting others." Basically, you're in good hands.

This is a stunning photo of Priscilla. I love her expression: intense yet kind, fierce yet loving, leading yet always supporting others. Thank you to Annie Leibovitz for capturing her spirit so beautifully.

Posted byMark ZuckerbergonWednesday, November 4, 2015

But there's so much more to know about your college-sweetheart parental units, Zuckerbaby. Enough for us to put together this list of nine things you should probably know about them. Who knows? Maybe you'll stumble across this on Facebook when you're older, if FB is still sort of cool.

Related:Mark Zuckerberg Uses Daughter's Birth to Announce New Charity

1. There's a Beast in your house and he drools.

No, not a real beast. That would be scary. We're talking about an adorable doggie named Beast, your parents beloved Puli. He's a scruffy Hungarian sheepdog that looks like an industrial mop.

Your dad dotes on Beast like crazy, to a point where your momsaysthe mut is his second priority after Facebook. She jokes that she's his third. But don't worry, tiny tot, you'll fit in just fine. Hopefully your mom will make a "relationship contract" for you with your papa,like she did, demanding that he log a certain number of minutes with you per week. Accountability, kid. There's something to be said for it.

You can tell your parents' furry herder is pretty important because he's front and center inthe pic你爸爸宣布发布你的existence (in utero). And your momcallsBeast "smart," "talented" and "gifted." So, yeah, you've got some hairy competition. Oh, and get used to your dad posting stuff about you on FB, and using you topush agendas. It comes with the territory. Beast knows. He had his own "public figure"Facebook pageway before you wowed everyone with a fittingthumbs upin that ultrasound.

Priscilla and I have some exciting news: we're expecting a baby girl!This will be a new chapter in our lives. We've...

Posted byMark ZuckerbergonFriday, July 31, 2015

2. Your dad's all for you having your own Facebook account...when you're 13.

We're not sure how your mom feels about it, but your dad is all for letting kids use social media and technology. After all, he taught himself to code at the young age of 12. That's when he built a nifty instant messaging system called "Zucknet" (via old-school Atari BASIC) for your grandfather to use in his dental office.

See, we're pretty confident your dad will be cool with you going on FB based on the time a random woman (most certainly not your mom!)asked your dadthis question: "I am a mother of a teenager, and if you and I were married, how would we handle Facebook with our daughter?" It was kind of awkward, but, long story short, your dad essentially told her to chill out.

"I think sometimes society has a bit of an overbearing attitude where we treat children as if they don't know how to do stuff," he replied, "when sometimes they're more sophisticated than you could ever imagine. I would want my children to use technology because it's one of the ways that you become literate and develop the skills that you need to for the modern world."

Looks like your dad has your back, but don't get too excited just yet, daddy's "Lean In girl" (yes, he's already called you that). It's a no-go until you're a teen, per your old man's officialterms and conditions.

3. Your mom is the first in her family to graduate college and your dad is a college dropout.

教育是“an incredibly personal issue" for your mother. Growing up disadvantaged in Braintree, Mass., the daughter of Chinese-Vietnamese immigrant parents who fled their native country in refugee boats, your mom viewed school as a means of bettering herself. At 13, she was already dead-set on getting into Harvard. After graduating from high school at the top of her class, she did just that. In 2007, she graduated from the Ivy League university with an undergrad degree in biology. Then she sailed right on through to medical school. No pressure, kid.

Your dad, on the other hand, followed in the footsteps of Microsoft co-founder Bill Gates and ditched Harvard. He dropped out in 2005, after his sophomore year. He had bigger fish to fry, namely Facebook, this addictive, snoopy online place where everyone talks about themselves and everyone they know or sort of know. Wasting no time after announcing his indefinite departure, your affluent White Plains, New York, native father returned to campus to recruit students with "raw intelligence" to work for his fast-rising social network.

For the record, your mom was none too impressed with your programming prodigy dad's lackadaisical attitude toward education. (Heskippedquite a few classes in his day.) "On our first date, he told me that he'd rather go on a date with me than finish his take-home midterm," she said in arare TV interview. "The type-A first child in me was appalled." Clearly notthatappalled.

4. Your mom and dad met while waiting in line for the bathroom at a frat party.

Yes, they partied. Truth is, all parents did at one time or another, even geeky ones. (See this nerdtasticphotographic evidence.) Yours just happened to catch each other's eyes while waiting outside the loo at your dad's rowdy Jewish fraternity, Alpha Epsilon Pi. Yeah, they waited to pee together on a turnt-up Friday night. So romantic, we know.

Related:Surprise! Mark Zuckerberg Isn't a Workaholic. Well, Not Exactly.

“他是这书呆子的家伙was just a little bit out there," your momrecalledabout your dad, aka "Slayer" to his former frat bros. We don't get it either. "I remember he had these beer glasses that said "pound include beer dot H.' It's a tag for C++. It's like college humor but with a nerdy, computer-science appeal." Aw, nerd love. So cold and fuzzy.

My experiences of running an after school program in a low income housing project and working as a pediatrician in a...

Posted byPriscilla ChanonThursday, October 22, 2015

5. There's a famous movie about your dad and it makes him seem like a jerk.

It's calledThe Social Networkand, sorry grasshopper, your dad probably never wants you to see it. The Academy Award-winning film chronicles the birth of Facebook. Specifically the nasty, friendship-gutting legal feuds over its shady inception and ownership that went down after your dad's social juggernaut blew up beyond anyone's wildest dreams.

Your dad appeared to be a good sport about the movie at first, reportedly treating all of his staffers to a theater showing of it, followed by a round of ironically apropos appletinis. He reportedly left the theater in a huff, though, and later said the only thing the filmmakers got right was his fashion sense...or lack thereof.

There's really no nice way to put this, but the movie blatantly makes your dad out to be a socially inept, Machiavellian meanie. "...basically the framing is that the whole reason for making Facebook is because I wanted to get girls, or wanted to get into clubs," he said. "They [the film's creators] just can't wrap their head around the idea that someone might build something because they like building things." If you're itching to know what really did or didn't go down, GoogleEduardo Saverinand theWinklevoss twins. Or ask your dad.

6. If it's up to your mom, you'll probably stay out of the public eye.

The center of attention might be your mom's least favorite place to be. While your dad trots the globe championing Facebook and daydreams about capturing yourfirst steps in virtual reality, his other half carefully guards her privacy. For the most part, she evades the media, save for the paparazzi and when it benefits your daddy's business and philanthropic interests.

Ever the supportive wife, she does, however, haveher own Facebook page, where she sparingly posts the requisite pics of herself with friends, your dad, and, of course, Beast. She rations out status updates sparingly, using them to ask safe questions about how to better care for the pup and, get your Passport ready, to poll her friends about the best places to pitstop when traveling to new corners of the world.

Your mom also occasionally posts about causes near and dear to her heart, like the students in the low-income San Francisco Bay area and Newark, N.J., schools she and your dad poured hundreds of millions of dollars into, as well as anon-profit private schoolthey're opening next Fall.

Related:Facebook Expands Parental Leave Ahead of the Birth of Mark Zuckerberg's Baby

7. You were born into one of the richest families on the planet.

Ka-ching, baby. With a net worth of about $45 billion, your dad is one of the wealthiest people on the planet. On the day he announced your birth to the world, he also announced his and your mother'splanto give 99 percent of their Facebook shares to charitable causes during their lives.

Unlike plenty ofotherinsanely rich tycoons, your parents haven't gone overboard and purchased a private island, a yacht or any fancy cars. Last weheard, your dad drives a black VW Golf GTI, not a FerrariFXX K. Your mom seems equally frugal, famously refusing to buy a$600 pair of shoesshe can easily afford.

While a private island isn't on your parental units' shopping list yet, a 750-acre swath of secluded land on the North Shore of Kauai was. Aloha, peace and quiet on the stunning white sands of Hawaii. Between that and your parents $7 million Palo Alto mansion -- and the four neighboring houses around it that they bought -- you're one lucky kid.

Earlier this year Priscilla and I gave $75 million to support San Francisco General Hospital -- our community's safety...

Posted byMark ZuckerbergonSaturday, November 7, 2015

8. Your mom is cool with all those boring hoodies and T-shirts your dad always wears. Seriously.

That is unless they're going somewhere formal, shesays. Otherwise, your mom's generally pro-hoodie. "He wears a fresh hoodie every day, so that pretty much meets my lowest barrier for him," she told NBC about your leisurewear-loving pop. "I'm happy with whatever he wants to wear, as long as it's appropriate for where we're going. So he can't wear it to weddings and he can't wear it to baby showers, but he can do whatever else he wants." Cross your fingers she's just as chill when it comes to your threads, too.

Like the late Steve Jobs, your dad digs wearing the same dowdy duds every day. In his case, that would be his trademark chest-hugging gray T-shirt, a black hoodie and jeans. He says his underwhelming attire is a function of keeping it simple to save time. "I really want to clear my life so that I have to make as few decisions as possible about anything except how to best serve this community," he said when asked about his drab wardrobe choices during a recentFacebook Q&A.

9. You're dad doesn't eat animals. Not unless he kills them himself.

Yeah, we don't want to think about it either, kid. Your dad gave up meat in 2011, which he, of course,announcedon Facebook as part of a personal challenge. "The reason for this is that I feel lucky for having such a great life," he said. "In order to practice thankfulness, I want to be more connected to the food I eat and the animals that give up their lives so I can eat them."

Yep, unhand that meaty McNugget, Zuckerbaby. Pick up a bow and sharpen your arrow instead. Your dad is a vegetarian -- well, mostly -- and that could mean you will be, too.

The Sorcerer's Apprentice and our mop. My favorite family costume from Halloweens past.

Posted byMark ZuckerbergonSaturday, October 31, 2015
Kim Lachance Shandrow

Former West Coast Editor

金物山德罗是前西海岸editor at Entrepreneur.com. Previously, she was a commerce columnist atLos Angeles CityBeat,a news producer at MSNBC and KNBC in Los Angeles and a frequent contributor to theLos Angeles Times. She has also written forGovernment Technologymagazine,LA Yogamagazine, theLowell Sunnewspaper, HealthCentral.com, PsychCentral.com and the former U.S. Surgeon General, Dr. C. Everett Coop. Follow her on Twitter at@Lashandrow. You can also follow her on Facebookhere.

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