Blogging for Entrepreneurs: Foundation of a Powerful Blog - Part IHere's how one can make blogging a powerful tool to build a stronger brand and compliment your current business revenues with more leads and opportunities

BySunita Biddu

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Owing to the busy schedule, blogging may well be the last thing on the list for an entrepreneur. And this isn't surprising.

Business owners weigh their priorities based upon the business value they receive. Blogging doesn't have an immediate return, which makes it a little less attractive to busy entrepreneurs.

But the truth is that when done correctly, blogging can make a big difference to your professional as well as personal life. I am a good example of how blogging can reshape your life.

Without my blog, I'd have never achieved the name, fame, and fortune that I am blessed with today. It allows me to build a powerful network, travel places, get business and yet be in a vacation-mode 365 days a year.

If it has helped me expand the reach of your business, it can help every entrepreneur willing to take their business to the next level. Like me, you will find most of the successful entrepreneurs and leaders practicing blogging as one of their top priorities.

With this series "Blogging for Entrepreneurs", I'll help you find the right direction to start, invest your time properly, and use right strategy to make blogging a powerful tool build a stronger brand and compliment your current business revenues with more leads and opportunities.

Before talking about the strategy, it is important that I talk about establishing the right 'foundation' first. Here are the three crucial factors that you should be knowing.

  • Ensuring your Readiness

As mentioned already, entrepreneurs are skeptical about starting their blogging journey, yet many entrepreneurs are influencing the world with blogging and it sure might have encouraged you to start your little corner of this online world.

It is all about knowing and showing your readiness.

Those entrepreneurs were ready to give what it takes to make blogging work for them.

The fire to begin with blogging must be more inside you than so much motivation available out in the world.

Take your time – think twice or more to know if you are ready. You may start out of an excitement, but it will become challenging to make it a routine if you were not prepared. Ask yourself these questions

  • How much time you can spare to invest in blogging?

  • What topics you will cover? How confident are you to blogs about these topics for couple of years?

  • How much time you can find to train and learn? And …

  • Does the idea of blogging, training, and making the world hear your voice really sound exciting to keep you going?

If yes, you're ready. Your readiness and passion will show in blogging and your audience will listen, resonate and respond.

  • Finding a Niche

Now that you have made up your mind to create your super space, I congratulate you and welcome you to the world of blogging.

You're ready to position yourself as an expert, a trusted business owner, an influencer. But know that you can't be an expert in everything. So, your next step is to figure out your niche.

What's that one thing people will remember you for. What's that one focus area you're confident of.

What's your niche?

Your blog will grow faster when you focus on a specific niche and write for a specific audience. Through blogging, you're solving your reader's top most problems and they will respect you for that. They will keep coming back for more and be loyal too.

Most definitely, choosing a niche can be challenging when various things inspire you and make you feel passionate. Let's simplify it.

Success of a blog revolves around 3 factors - Your Passion, Your Reader and Profitability

If you're not passionate about your blog subject, you may stop just when you are about to see results. You will not be able to take that one last leap. You may struggle to write and find time for your blog. Your posts will become a drag.

But when you write with passion, it takes a moment for your reader to get connected and resonate with what you say.

Profitability works as a fuel to your blog as well as motivation. You should be able to monetize your time and effort of blogging, sooner or later; directly or indirectly.

Ask yourself these questions to narrow down your focus.

  • What are your top-5 favorite topics?

  • Select the 3 top subjects that you feel most passionate about; you may never feel short of ideas and write like a boss.

  • How are your selected topics will solve people's problem?

  • Will this add value to their lives?

  • Do people often ask you questions about these topics? What are some questions they often ask? Make a list, as long as you can. Think of an FAQ. This will be your posts idea bank later.

Answers to these questions will help you narrow down to the one or two subjects and focus areas that will lead your way to a successful and popular blog in the industry.

  • The Right Blog Name

Finalizing the name is another important decision since this will be your identity. You're least likely to change once you begin.

Your audience will remember you by this name. It makes sense to put some thought into the process and finalize a name.

I suggest the following things to try when choosing your blog name

1. Around the subject

This is the easiest choice. Pick a name that represents your niche. You may have to add suffix or a prefix to it as finding the exact niche blog name can be a challenge. For example, if you're a fitness consultant, something like TalkFitness may look cool and easy to remember.

2. Go Abstract & Unique

Make it unique, but in a positive way so people won't forget. Think of something that grabs your attention. Something that makes people want to check out. It can be tricky to find something catchy, but it is worth the effort.

3. Ask for help

Your friends can come to the rescue when brainstorming your blog name. Don't hesitate to take help of your social media networks. People will come up with surprisingly good ideas. Several minds are better than one. You can achieve many goals here – you prepare your audience, get the catchiest name, and make your network feel important. Try it.

4. Sneak in Competition

All seasoned entrepreneurs know the importance of keeping an eye on what their competition is up to. Interestingly enough, sometimes looking at your competition names can also give some of the coolest name options. It works like a trigger and prompt.

5. Use your name

This is my favorite, my first recommended preference and I find it the best. Easy to brand, easy to remember and feels good too. When nothing works, use your name.

Some handy tips to keep in mind when booking your domain name

  • Avoid hyphenated domains

  • Keep it short and easy to remember. Speak it loud and see if it is easy to speak without any friction. Do not make it a tongue twister.

  • Write it and see if double letters appear together. For example, just too good got two T's together.

  • Prefer a .com

  • Choose a reliable registrar. Godaddy, and can be trusted

  • Buy it yourself. Don't let your development or hosting company buy it.

  • Check for any trademark or name copyrights

  • Don't buy a different extension if someone else is owning same .com version of the name

So, here we are, done with the first part of blogging foundations. Building on these essential founding stones will increase your chance of building a successful blog. I will cover 3 more foundation steps of a powerful blog in my next post. Watch this column. Any questions or comments, bring it on!

See ya next week with part II for successful blogging foundation. We will discuss the secret recipes behind the design of the most successful blogs.

Sunita Biddu

Web Strategist & Social Media Coach

Social media and blogging coach,Internet marketing strategist helping over 2000 customers and trainees every year, Sunita Biddu is confidently enjoying multiple roles from an Entrepreneur, Salsa freak to a hobby Photographer in her professional and personal life.

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