Daniel Mangena

Entrepreneur Leadership Network Contributor
CEO of Dream With Dan & Dream inc

Dan Mangena is a best-selling author, radio host, international speaker, master money manifestor and the creator of the Beyond Intention Paradigm. He is completely self-made and has spent decades perfecting his world-class coaching to help others live an abundant, joyful, purpose-driven life.

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Estilo de vida

3 trucos de gestión del tiempo para el crecimiento empresarial y más tiempo libre

Resulta que realmente puedes trabajar menos y crecer más con estos tres principios.


3 Time Management Hacks For Business Growth and More Free Time

Turns out, you can really work less and grow more with these three principles.


Técnicas de mentalidad que te ayudarán a superar el síndrome del impostor

El síndrome del impostor podría estar impidiéndole alcanzar sus metas y deseos.


Mindset Techniques That Will Help You Overcome Imposter Syndrome

冒名顶替者综合症可能是keeping you from your goals and desires.


Elige tu historia, cambia tu negocio

Los caminos, tanto conscientes como subconscientes, forman nuestras historias personales y comerciales.

Thought Leaders

Choose Your Story, Change Your Business

The pathways, both conscious and subconscious, form our personal and business stories.