Jane Porter

Writer and editor

Jane Porter is a freelance writer and editor based in Brooklyn, NY. You can find more of her work atJaneroseportercom

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Business Ideas

Unlocking Business Ideas Hidden in the Natural World

A look at how the growing field of biomimicry has led to innovations inspired by nature.


3 Bad Sleep Habits You Need to Break

如果你认为你有better things to do than worry about your sleep routine, think again. You may be unwittingly sabotaging your snooze time -- and your productivity. Here's how to snap out of it.


10 Questions to Ask Before Hiring a Small-Business Attorney

A quick guide to finding a legal professional that is the right fit for your business.


Debunking 5 Common Myths About Sleep

Burning the midnight oil is common among entrepreneurs trying to get their companies off the ground. If you think you can squeak by with a few less hours of shuteye, think again. Here's why.

Business Ideas

10 Questions to Ask Yourself When Testing a Business Idea

Need help trying to figure out if that great idea you're passionate about could become a successful business? Here's how to evaluate a potential winner.

Green Entrepreneur

3 Things You May Not Know About Sustainable Packaging, But Should

When it comes to product packaging, making eco-friendly decision are not as cut and dry as many entrepreneurs may think. Here's what you need to know to make the best decision for your business.