How to Become a Millionaire by Age 30Follow these ten steps to get -- and stay -- rich during the earliest stage of your career.

ByGrant Cardone

Opinions expressed by Entrepreneur contributors are their own.

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Getting rich and becoming amillionaireis a taboo topic. And saying it can be done by the age of 30 seems like a fantasy.

Well, it shouldn't be taboo and itispossible. At the age of 21, I got out of college, broke and in debt. And by the time I was 30, I was a millionaire.

Related:How to Start a Business With (Almost) No Money

Here are the 10 steps I took to become a millionaire. Follow them and by age 30, you will be one, too.


Follow the money.

You can not save your way to millionaire status. The first step is to focus on increasing your income in increments and repeating that. My income was $3,000 a month and nine years later it was $20,000 a month. Start following themoneyand it will force you to control revenue and see opportunities.

Olivier Le Queinec | Shutterstock

Don’t show off -- show up!

I didn't buy my first luxury watch or car until my businesses and investments were producing multiple secure flows of income. I was still driving a Toyota Camry when I became amillionaire. Be known for your work ethic, not the trinkets that you buy.

Save to invest, don’t save to save.

The only reason to save money is toinvestit. Put your saved money into secured, sacred (untouchable) accounts. Never use these accounts for anything, not even an emergency. This will force you to continue to follow step one, which is to increase income. To this day, at least twice a year, I am broke because I always invest my surpluses into ventures that I cannot access.

Related:Got $500? Here Are the Smartest Ways to Invest It.

Avoid debt that doesn’t increase your cash flow.

Make it a rule that you never use debt that won'tmake you money. I borrowed money for a car only because I knew it could increase my income. Rich people use debt to leverage investments and grow cash flows. Poor people use debt to buy things that make rich people richer.

Treat money like a jealous lover.

Millions wish forfinancial freedom, but only those that make it a priority have millions. To get rich and stay rich you will have to make it a priority. Money is like a jealous lover. Ignore it and it will ignore you, or worse, it will leave you for someone who loves it more!

Related:How to Make a Million Dollars Online


Outwork your competition.

Money doesn't know about clocks, schedules or holidays -- and you shouldn't either. Money loves people that have a great work ethic. When I was 26 years old, I was in retail and the store I worked at closed at 7 p.m. Most times you could find me there at 11 p.m. making an extra sale. Never try to be the smartest orluckiestperson -- just make sure you outwork everyone.


Being poor makes no sense.

I have been poor, and it sucks. I have had just enough to get by, and that sucks almost as bad. Eliminate any and all ideas that being poor is somehow okay. Go to war with being broke! To quote General George S. Patton, "Success is how you bounce on the bottom."


Get a millionaire mentor.

Most of us were brought up middle class or poor and then hold ourselves to the limits and ideas of that group. I have studied millionaires to learn their mindset and principles and I duplicated what they did. Get your own personal millionaire mentor and study them. Most rich people are extremely generous with their knowledge and their resources.


Get your money to do the heavy lifting.

Investingis the golden goose for becoming a millionaire. You should make more money off your investments than from your work. The second company I started required a $50,000 investment. That company has paid me back that $50,000 every month for the last 10 years. My third investment was inreal estate. I started with $350,000, which was a large part of my net worth at the time. I still own that property today and it continues to provide me with income. Investing is the only reason to do the other steps, and your money must work for you and do your heavy lifting.

Shoot for $10 million, not $1 million.

The single biggest financial mistake I've made was notthinking bigenough. I encourage you to go for more than a million. There is no shortage of money on this planet, only a shortage of people thinking big enough.

Apply these 10 steps and they will make you rich. Steer clear of people that suggest your financial dreams are born of greed. Avoid get-rich-quick schemes, be ethical, never give up, and once you make it, be willing to help others get there, too.

Related:7 Realistic Ways to Make Money Online

Grant Cardone

International Sales Expert & $1.78B Real Estate Fund Manager

Grant Cardone is an internationally-renowned speaker on sales, leadership, real-estate investing, entrepreneurship and finance whose five privately held companies have annual revenues exceeding $300 million.

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