
News and Trends

ONDC To Open For Beta Testing With Public

The ministry issued a statement in which it is said that the number of network participants on the platform would soon be above 30 in the upcoming weeks

News and Trends

Wify Raises $2 Million Pre-Series A Fund

The company plans to utilize the fund to further strengthen its technology and invest in the skilling of blue-collar workers associated with the company

News and Trends

Swizzle Raises Undisclosed Amount In Its Maiden Seed Funding

The fund raised will be utilized to capture a wide market and both B2B and B2C customer base, increase startup's manufacturing capacity, marketing enhancement and new product's development


3 Tips for Effective B2B Marketing Outreach

B2B and B2C customers are very different, and selling to them must take those differences into consideration.

ინდუსტრიული ტრენდები

ბიზნესი VS კორონავირუსი - ქეთევან ვაჩიბერიძე (B2C)

"კორონავირუსმა კიდევ უფრო დაგვარწმუნა, რომ ნებისმიერ რთულ სიტუაციაში გამოსავალი გაციფრულებასა და ტექნოლოგიებშია"

News and Trends

Why B2B2C Will Create the Next Big Wave in Entrepreneurship

Businesses in the B2B2C segment have always been about supporting other businesses


Experience Centers as the 'New-Age' Marketing in the India of 2019

Experience centers, as opposed to the aggressive, hard-sell marketing tactics, give a breathing space to the consumer and let them be themselves


Online Marketing Challenges for SMBs - Omni channel B2C Companies

If a brand needs more awareness/growth, they must go online but define their outcomes clearly

News and Trends

Atap.co Raises Funds from RHL Ventures

The Malaysia-based design marketplace will use the investment to solidify its presence in home country


Top Marketing Automation Trends of 2019 and Beyond

These will empower brands to gather and analyse user data, create meaningful user segments and run highly targeted campaigns with communication that is personalized and highly contextual

News and Trends

Alibaba Taps Russia Market With USD 2 Billion Joint Venture

AliExpress Russia will leverage Mail.Ru Group's 100 million internet users across its social media, messaging, e-mail and online games properties

News and Trends

This Early Stage Startup is Looking to Raise Rs 23.7 cr through an IPO

It is among the first few B2C companies to raise money through BSE's SME Platfrom

Growth Strategies

#7 Reasons to Improve B2B E-commerce Experience for Consumers

If given a right push towards presentation with a focus on aesthetics B2B e-commerce can give better user experience to its consumers.


OfficeRock.com Raises Funds From Enabling Future, Jabbar Internet Group, And Other Investors

A boost for the B2B e-commerce market, office supplies platform OfficeRock.com has raised an undisclosed amount from investors Enabling Future, Wamda Capital, Jabbar Internet Group, WOMENA, and more investors

Starting a Business

The Startup Curve: An Entrepreneurial Life

一个商业模式l never works only on frills and features and adoption of technology comes with value add