Confidence: Page 4

Thought Leaders

5 Things You Can Learn From Britney Spears' Conservatorship

Avoid your life becoming a circus with these strategies.

Growing a Business

12 Ways to Boost Your Confidence in 2022

Confidence truly is the key that unlocks all doors. Learn how to boost your confidence and self-esteem so you can continue to level up in business and in life.

Thought Leaders

How to Overcome Anticipatory Anxiety as an Entrepreneur

Anticipatory anxiety is common among entrepreneurs, but making some changes in our businesses and even our resumes can set the foundation for a great start.

Thought Leaders

Need More Confidence? Here Are 8 Bestselling Books to Get You There.

Self-esteem can be hard to come by and even harder to maintain. Try these authors' words of wisdom.


Truly Independent Thinkers Have These 5 Traits

Every business needs independent thinkers to help lead the team to success. Here's how to spot them.

Thought Leaders

Inventors Are Defined By Their Ability to Overcome Obstacles

Serious inventors -- inventors who repeatedly come up with great inventions -- don't stop.


10 Ways to Build and Boost Your Confidence

"Once we believe in ourselves, we can risk curiosity, wonder, spontaneous delight or any experience that reveals the human spirit." e. e. cummings


Don't Let Doubts Absorb Your Organization — Use Them to Grow as a Leader

You can't lead a team effectively until you take steps to regain your confidence.

Making a Change

Why Fear Is the Entrepreneur's Best Friend

Business leaders can learn to make peace with that pervasive sinking feeling.

Thought Leaders

如何不让Impostor Syndrome Sabotage Your Worth

You need to know what to do when this unwelcome visitor strikes.

Thought Leaders

This Is the Most Important Type of Confidence, And Here's How To Channel it in Any Situation

Serene, strong and self-assured -- how to feel confident in any situation.


7 Reasons Why Entrepreneurs Must Workout

If you don't take care of yourself, then you won't be able to take care of anything else, including the bottom line.

Starting a Business

Building Confidence While Building Your Business

Nicole Walters, founder and CEO of Inherit Learning Company, chats with Nicole Gibbons, founder and CEO of Clare, about overcoming self-doubt when starting a business.


How to Go From Incredibly Shy to Insanely Confident So Your Business Can Thrive

Embody intrinsic confidence and spark new levels of growth in your company.

Thought Leaders

Why You Have to Bet On Yourself

Failure is tough no matter what. But a person with confidence can take it in stride.