Entrepreneur Mindset


4 Self-Sabotaging Beliefs That Hold Women Entrepreneurs Back from Success

In my work, I've encountered four self-sabotaging behaviors that often impact women entrepreneurs. Instead of letting them hold you back, here's what to look for — and how to push past them.

Thought Leaders

You Can Train Your Brain to React to Stressful Situations Better. Here's the 3-Step Process.

Don't panic. Train yourself into mental clarity.

Health & Wellness

How a Positive Mindset Can Transform Your Life

Life is full of setbacks, so why not give up? Because anything is possible with the right mindset.

Starting a Business

7 Telltale Signs You're Ready to Quit the Rat Race and Become an Entrepreneur

Grasping the right time to jump on brave alterations is essential to success. Here are seven signs you no longer have an employee mentality.


4 Money Beliefs That Are Seriously Holding Your Business Back

It's rare that we challenge our personal presuppositions about money as business owners. It can be hard to see the link between our personal beliefs about our finances, and how that impacts the growth of our business. But it's your beliefs about money that could be holding your business back!


Why Women Are More Likely to Experience Burnout (and 6 Ways to Prevent It from Happening)

Entrepreneurial burnout can be avoided if the necessary steps are taken.

Growing a Business

How to Use Your Past As a Launchpad for Success

Our pasts may haunt us, but we can use the lessons we've learned in the past to better our future.

Science & Technology

Why Entrepreneurs Use No-Code To Launch MVPs

You've heard of the minimum viable product, but what about the minimum lovable product? In an increasingly competitive market, can you afford to start something that isn't perfect?

Thought Leaders

5 Key Tips to Successfully Ride the Rollercoaster of Being an Entrepreneur

The life of an entrepreneur can be a rollercoaster. Here are five tips to follow to ensure your ride is a smooth, successful one.

Thought Leaders

6 Ways to Push Your Limits and Accomplish Things You Never Thought Possible

Running a business requires sacrifice, but the end result is worth it.

Thought Leaders

You Don't Need High Self-Esteem. You Need High Self-Compassion.

No, they're not the same. Self-esteem is finicky. Self-compassion is not.

Growing a Business

4 Ways to Avoid Bureaucracy as You Scale

Growing companies will find a conflict between remaining nimble or being structured. Structure is needed but to attain the structure without the rigidity, follow these steps.

Health & Wellness

7 Ways Successful Entrepreneurs Deal With Stress and Pressure

Everyone experiences stress and pressure at some point in their lives. As an entrepreneur, it's imperative to understand how stress works and how to manage it effectively.

Growing a Business

How to Create a Mindset That Fuels Your Growth and Gets You What You Want

Your brain is a muscle, and like the other muscles in our bodies, we can train it to be imaginative again and get what we want. Here's how.

Thought Leaders

5 Skills Every Entrepreneur Should Master

Running your own business is like playing the piano — you need to master many different keys at once. But if you're serious about entrepreneurship, these five skills will help you play the right tune.