Entrepreneurial Mindset


Entrepreneurship Needs Skills Not Fancy Resumes

It's not something to be confined to a curriculum but which comes with experience and practice, let's explore it in detail.


能成为一个企业家雷竞技手机版With Just an Undergraduate Degree?

The number of institutions offering a good undergraduate degree in India are virtually non-existent

Thought Leaders

How Talking Too Much in Class Turned Into My Greatest Asset

At times, those tendencies standing 'in your way' can become 'the way' to success.


Missing Something? Why Great Entrepreneurs Lack Certain Traits (And How It Affects Success)

Determination to succeed can overcome negative aspects of any venture, even to the point where poor decisions succeed due to sheer will.

Thought Leaders

The 'I'm My Own Boss' Myth Humbles Many an Entrepreneur

That misconception does not comport with startup reality. But by adopting the right mindset, you can come to terms with how many bosses you really have.

Thought Leaders

This Is How Thinking About Abundance Has Helped Me Build a Success Mindset

Entrepreneurs need to overcome the scarcity mindset.


Tips to Acquire the Right Entrepreneurial Mindset

The balance of loss and gain is very vital as sometimes a small risk can take you to a great height

Starting a Business

Aspiring to be an Entrepreneur? #5 Things to Know Before you Start up

You may have a sustainable business with a strong USP, but an investor will always ask why you and not someone else

Starting a Business

Top Traits Of Successful Startup Owners

Entrepreneurs should have a sharp mind with an even sharper eye for market insights, new developments, knowledge in the business realm


Lessons in Entrepreneurship and Exponential Growth

To be an entrepreneur, you need to employ exponential thinking at all times

Growing a Business

Why, When You Fail, You Should 'Fail Forward'

So, you've fallen on your face? Consider that you're walking in the footsteps of some 'famous failures,' like Steve Jobs, Oprah Winfrey and Stephen King.

Growth Strategies

How to Kindle Entrepreneurship Spirit In Your Company

The need of the hour is to shape a workplace that is far more entrepreneurial


The Next Phase of Start-up Evolution - Bharatpreneurs!

Focus now should be to adopt a more inclusive approach that benefits 70 per cent of the population i.e. rural India

Thought Leaders

How Emotional Intelligence Can Improve Your Productivity

In business, you need to recognize where those "hot" emotions are coming from, bring them under control and proceed as calmly as possible.

Starting a Business

It's Time The Indian Students' Entrepreneurship Streak Is Tapped in School

Why shouldn't a brilliant idea by a school-goer not get the same support as adults ask India's youngpreneurs.