Gender Differences: Page 3

Thought Leaders

On Women's Entrepreneurship Day, We #ChooseWomen

If our president-elect is serious about giving the economy a boost, he should focus on policies that will help women entrepreneurs.


3 Ways to Listen Better and Become a More Effective Communicator

Leaders should engage a greater number of voices in the conversation and seek to understand the emotional motivations at play.

Thought Leaders

4 Words That Reinforce the Gender Gap at Work

Backhanded compliments rooted in outdated perceptions are another subtle restraint on women rising at work.

Business Culture

Startups Are the Best Place for Women in Business

The hyper-speed, collaborative nature of the startup environment means that all hands must be on deck.

Business Culture

How Women Entrepreneurs Could 'Lean Out'

Women in business are searching for new answers, new possibilities and new careers.


The Gender and Leadership Conversation Needs New Focus

Employers need to train all leaders to take a more balanced approach, and leaders need to focus on improving their skills.

Business Culture

Let's Put an End to 'Women-In-Whatever' Events

Are women-centric undertakings actually doing more harm than good?


Workforce Discrimination Is Costing Business $64 Billion Every Year

Raising the issue of job discrimination usually falls to those who are hurt most. Everybody else wants to change the subject.

Growth Strategies

How JetSetGo's Co-founder Is Combating Gender Inequality In India

JetSetGo has taken a step forward to ensure by 2017 its workforce consists of atleast 50 per cent women.

Business Culture

Success In the Workplace Is Not a Zero-Sum Game

Only good things can come from supporting each other at each and every turn.


5-Point Advice To Women Tech Entrepreneurs

Our job is not to prove to the world that we are better than men at anything but to put forward our best selves and grow with opportunities.

Resumes & Interviewing

招聘要求,没有选择t Every Choice Is 'Discrimination'

Even the fairest of employers knows that, for some jobs, gender, age and physical ability are valid reasons for hiring one person and not another.

Business Culture

How to Report to a Woman If You're a Man

Men managed by women often don't perform as well as when managed by other men.


Sponsorship Has More Promise for Executive Diversity Than Mentorship

There is a new way to promote diversity in the executive ranks.


Are You Sexist At Workplace?

Because many times you are and you wouldn't even realize.