Instant Messaging

Social Media

Part of an Office Whatsapp Group? Here is How You Can Maintain Your Ethics on the Messaging App

Next time you have something to share on your official Whatsapp group – Take a moment, think and then click the send button.

Business News

Say Farewell to AOL Instant Messenger

AIM, which launched as a standalone service in 1997, introduced many of us to the joys of internet chat for the first time.


Fintech is the Flavour of 2017, These Companies are Proof!

These successful companies are moving beyond their existing sector and are foraying into financial technology


Skip the Emojis: Your Small Business' Text-Messaging Campaign Should Be All About the Deals

Offer your best promotions and get to the point, already -- or customers will unsubscribe just as quickly as they opted in to receive your instant messages.

News and Trends

Viber Lets You Connect Freely. Literally!

After WhatsApp, Viber to encrypt calls and messages.


Why It's Vital For Startups To Adopt A Smarter Communication Model From The Start

The various benefits of adopting an enterprise messaging application.

Data & Recovery

Report: Google Is Building a 'Smart' Mobile-Messaging App to Rival Facebook Messenger

The service will reportedly enable people to text each other and use chatbots to search, yes, you guessed it, Google.

Social Media

Facebook Is Making it Easier for Businesses to Chat Privately With Customers

Today, the social media giant is rolling out new features making it more attractive for business owners to respond privately and quickly to customer inquiries.

Social Media

Learn French or Spanish While You GChat

A new application for Google Chrome allows you to learn a new language in the in-between moments when you are instant messaging.

Science & Technology

This New Startup Wants to Be Your WhatsApp for Professional Networking

Email is taking a back seat to real-time messaging. Caliber says its going to make business communications move faster.

Social Media

Taking Another Shot at Snapchat, Facebook Gives Its Slingshot Messaging App a Makeover

Facebook isn't ready to vanish from the evaporating messaging game, but will users take the bait?

Business News

从ICQ的目的to WhatsApp: The Rise and Fall of Instant Messenger Apps (Infographic)

IM apps have 4ever altered how we communicate. Countless messaging tools have come and gone in the 18 years since they first debuted. Which ones will stand the test of time?


Match the Right Communication Type to the Occasion

Select the correct method by weighing the task at hand, the recipient, a message's urgency and the potential risk of a misunderstanding.

Science & Technology

New Messaging App 'Tap' Aims to Be Even Simpler Than 'Yo'

A decorated tech inventor enters the context-based messaging service market, claiming his app is four times faster than the viral messaging app Yo.

Business News

Need to Privately Instant Message Your Entire Team at a Conference? Try This Slick App

Serial entrepreneur Scott Gerber says you need this free, ultra-convenient mobile messaging app to seamlessly keep in touch with large groups at events.