life hacks

Life Hacks

3 Vision Board Alternatives You Must Try

Vision boards are a woefully misunderstood practice. A practice that can impede your progress toward your goals!


Navigate Uncertain Times With This Full-Proof Coping Mechanism

We're in uncertain times, which means it's necessary to separate what's in our control from what's not — letting the uncontrollable unfold without judgment or exertion on our part.


3 Ways to Achieve Superhuman Focus in 14 Days

Regardless of what goals you want to achieve in 2023 and beyond, there is one skill you'll need above all else.

Health & Wellness

You're Not Lazy — You're Burnt Out. Here Are The 5 Warning Signs.

Entrepreneur burnout can land you in the emergency ward. Learn how to spot the signs now before it's too late.


How To Be Persuasive With Your Body Language

Whether we realize it or not, we all try to be persuasive. Follow these four body language hacks to be more persuasive.


These 30 Questions Will Help Determine Your Success

In this video, Ben Angel breaks down why 70,000 entrepreneurs have answered the questions that predict their chances of succeeding or failing.

Health & Wellness

How to Stop Feeling Like An Imposter and Start Feeling Like You Belong

You don't have to be a perfect and flawless human being. You are enough, and you can do this.


3 Unexpected Ways to Improve Your Focus and Help Boost Your Energy

In this video, Ben Angel shows you tools for improving your focus.


3 Stress-Busting Biohacks to Help You Focus

Try these 3 simple and little-known biohacks for managing stress.


3 Ways to Mitigate the Effects of Sleep Deprivation

In this video, Ben Angel shows you how to mitigate the negative effects of sleep deprivation.


3 Easy Ways To Be More Motivated

Want to tackle your to-do list in just two weeks? In this video, Ben Angel tells you how.


9 Ways To Make 'Superhuman Focus' Work For You

In this video, Ben Angel shows you how to improve your focus and do more with your time.


7 Strong Indicators of Success That You've Probably Never Heard of

Discover the seven indicators of success no one is talking about.


Feeling Unmotivated? 3 Biohacks to Supercharge Your Focus and Drive

Here's Ben Angel on the top three motivation myths and how to use biohacking to become more focused.


你是一个Procrastinator? Here's How to Beat it With Biohacking

Kiss procrastination goodbye with these tips from Ben Angel.