
Thought Leaders

Best Cities for Small Business

Our 12th annual Hot Cities report will give you the lowdown on the nation's most dynamic cities for entrepreneurs.

Growing a Business

Fantastic Spaces in Unusual Places

Find out how creative entrepreneurs turned unusual spaces into the perfect location for their business.

Starting a Business

The Basics of Real Estate Leases

That retail lease may seem simple, but there could be more to it than meets the eye.

Growing a Business

Release Me?

Should you continue leasing or buy a building?

Growing a Business

On The Move

Tips for successfully moving your company

Growing a Business

Space Value

What to look in new office space

Growing a Business

Rent Check

Auditing your rent statement

Growing a Business

Cart Blanche

A kiosk or cart could be the perfect low-cost site for your start-up.

Starting a Business

Furnishing Your Office

Get set for business by furnishing your office in style.

Starting a Business

The Ergonomic Office

Is business a pain in the neck? It wouldn't be if your office were ergonomic.

Starting a Business

Commercial Leases

Renting a location can be tricky. Here's how to get the best deal.

Starting a Business

Location Worksheet

决定一个位置可以最im之一portant business decisions you make. Use this checklist to ensure that you answer all possible questions about a location to gauge its strengths and weaknesses as a potential site for your business.

Growing a Business

How to Relocate Your Business

Running out of space? In an area that's headed downhill? Need an upgrade? It might be time to move your business to another location.

Starting a Business

Negotiating Your Shopping Center Lease

Before you sign on the dotted line, find out just what you need to watch out for--and have included--in your retail location lease.

Growing a Business

Hot Spots

Got the itch to move? Looking to expand? Our Hot Cities rankings are back for 2005 and ready to help point you in the right direction.