Media Coverage: Page 10

Money & Finance

Why Every Entrepreneur Should Write a Book

Books get you attention. Attention gets you money.


8礼仪技巧s to Stay on the Good Side of the Media

Effective PR relies on mastering the rules for interacting with the publicity gatekeepers. Learn them to help get the word out about your company.


How Attorneys Can Brand Themselves Through Media Outreach

Make yourself the public expert. Don't let others define who you are.


3 Essentials for Creating an Effective PR Campaign

The goal of media outreach is to reach a wider audience, not to collect logos to post on your webpage.

Operations & Logistics

The 3 Rules for a Publishable Op-Ed

Opinion articles are great PR and branding opportunities. But many people get them wrong. Here's how to get op-eds right.


3 Takeaways From the Demise of Theranos Founder Elizabeth Holmes

Holmes was an entrepreneurial darling until it became apparent her miracle company was a sham.

Growth Strategies

When To Hire a PR Agency?

If you have answered all the questions below with a resounding 'YES' then pick up the phone and call the 3 best agencies in the industry for a PR pitch.


Here's Why I won't Remove My Ad Blocker Even If Indian Media Companies Force Me

Almost all major Indian media websites have added ad-block detectors and this effects the future internet as we know it

Growth Strategies

How To Use Positive Press To Go Viral

Before you set out to get more PR, make sure there is consistency in your branding.

Business News

Tips for Pitching the Media

Read on to learn how to better capture the media's attention

Social Media

You Just Got a Bad Media Review. Now, What?

First, take a deep breath. Then ask your fans for their help.

Business News

Facebook Launches Investigation Into Report of Political Bias

'If we find anything against our principles, you have my commitment that we will take additional steps to address it,' Mark Zuckerberg says.


Things An Entrepreneur Should Keep In Mind While Approaching a Journalist

Entrepreneurs and journalists should develop mutual respect

Business News

After Trending Topics Scandal Breaks, Facebook Says 'Rigorous Guidelines' Exist to Maintain Neutrality

The social media network says no news outlets are prohibited from appearing on its trending topics list.