Media Coverage: Page 3

Thought Leaders

He Got Laid Off. Then Created an Interview Series That Gets Millions of Downloads and Features Stars Like Tom Hanks. Here's How Graham Bensinger Did It.

The industry-vet explains what it's like to corral and question guests like Arnold Schwarzenegger, Sir Richard Branson or Monaco's Prince Albert all while being his own boss.


The 5 Foolproof Steps to Pitching Your Story to the Media

Getting featured in the media helps to build authority and trust, but to do that, you'll need an effective pitch. Here's how to pitch like a pro.


10 Ways to Get More Traffic After You Get Media Coverage

Get more traffic on your news articles by utilizing these tools. Promoting your media coverage will help you reach more people and increase the value of your press.

Operations & Logistics

How To Amplify PR Opportunities For Your Business

Founders play a pivotal role in public relations opportunities. Here's how to maximize your PR investment.


5 Ways You Can Amplify Your Media Coverage

These strategies will help you effectively amplify your earned media efforts.

Operations & Logistics

How to Secure Game-Changing Media Coverage for Your Product or Service

Media-relations success requires the marriage of strategy and execution. Here's how we made it happen -- and you can too.

Thought Leaders

It Ain't Over 'Til It's Over! What That Catch Phrase Means in PR

Repurposing great stories for maximum effort.

Thought Leaders

5 Golden Benefits of PR

Every savvy entrepreneur is aware that public relations is an engine for growth, but it's vital to know what PR actually is, isn't, and how to maximize its potential.

Social Media

3 Ways Direct-to-Consumer Brands Can Leverage Media Coverage

Connecting directly to their customers is the blueprint for rapid growth.


4 Ways Entrepreneurs Can Leverage Media and Publicity to Magnify Their Company or Brand

Understanding how advertising in both traditional outlets, as well as digital, is crucial towards the growth of one's company or brand.

Growing a Business

How to Create a Media List for Ongoing Exposure

建立一个图片of which media outlets will help you grow your business by giving you publicity.


Why You Should Stop Touting Your 'Six-Figure Business' in Your Media Pitches

Big claims might be killing your media outreach.

Growing a Business

3 Ways Direct-to-Consumer Brands Can Leverage Media Coverage

How to make your DTC PR dollars go further, decrease conversion friction and keep customers loyal.

Thought Leaders

Could Your Company Benefit From Media Training?

Professional training can help prepare executives to maximize positive earned media opportunities and how to navigate a crisis.

Growing a Business

Feeding Your Ego Won't Help Your Business Grow

That pay-to-play press release in the classified section might feel good to see, but it won't build your business.