
Business News

The Inability to Afford a Down Payment Is Why Renters Keep Renting, According to a New Report from the Federal Reserve

Only 63% of respondents said they could cover a $400 emergency expense.

Business News

Here's Where Average Monthly Mortgage Payments Are The Lowest in The U.S.

Depending on where you live, your monthly mortgage payment can be as low as $1,700 — or as high as $3,600.

Business News

Some Banks Lost An Average of $301 on Every Mortgage Financed in 2022

Mortgage companies financed about $2.6 billion worth of mortgages per company in 2022, marking a steep decline from $4.9 billion in 2021.

Business News

The Housing Recession Could Be Over, Some Economists Say

Mortgage applications increased by 3% last week as home prices continue to decline.

Business News

Housing Is Less Affordable Now Than at the Peak of the 2008 Housing Bubble

New data found that the average American would need to spend 42.9% of their income to afford a median-priced house.

Debt / Loans / Refinancing

How to Rebuild Credit After Bankruptcy

Rebuilding credit after bankruptcy as an entrepreneur can be challenging — but it is not impossible if you know how.

Business News

Declining Mortgage Rates Spark Uptick in Interest from Would-Be Homebuyers

Mortgage applications are up about 25% from the end of 2022.

Business News

Mortgage Interest Rates Fall to Lowest Level Since September, Mortgage Demand Rises

For the third week in a row, mortgage interest rates fell, triggering a 7% increase in mortgage applications.

Real Estate

Before Making That First Phone Call to an Agent, Consider These Tips

The first things to do when selling or purchasing a home are the same as they would be for any other large purchase: research and planning.

Business News

Wells Fargo Will Step Back From This Key Industry, Reportedly Conduct Layoffs

The bank announced it will be significantly shifting its focus and taking a step back from the housing market.

Business News

We Might Be Headed Toward a Recession, But a 'Bigger Catastrophe' Could Be on The Horizon

With rising mortgage rates and persistent inflation, millions are worried about a looming recession. But some experts say our attention should be elsewhere.

Business News

In the '80s, Mortgage Rates Were Almost Three Times As High — But It's Still Harder To Buy a Home Now

While the Fed has hiked up mortgage rates as a means to tame inflation, but it's nothing compared to 40 years ago.

Business News

The Housing Market Is Cooling the Fastest in These 10 Cities

The housing market is shifting, and these cities are seeing prices drop the fastest.

Business News

Mortgage Rates Are Above 6 Percent For The First Time Since 2008

随着美联储信息技术mpts to tame rampant inflation, mortgage rates hit new highs.