Online Writing


Essential Tips to Write Appealing Website Content

The content for a website should primarily answer three questions about the product or service it hosts.


Tips to Create a Traffic-Generating Blog

There are common rules that apply to increase the impact and resonate with your audience.

Starting a Business

How to Become a Content Writer

Content writing helps you develop your vocabulary and writing skills.

Starting a Business

[Start-it-up] How To Go From Being an Instagram Poet To a Published Author

If stringing words together to create beautiful poetry or prose is something that comes naturally to you, social media can now help you make it a well-paying gig.


Is Your Content Flabby? Here's How to Trim Those Verbal Love Handles!

Your guiding principle should be to not write the way you -- or any of us -- talk.

Social Media

Having Trouble Saying What You Want to Say? 7 Ways to Cut Your Twitter Characters.

Ever thought about contraction subtraction?


Medium Is the Solution If You Want to Blog Without Any Overhead

The service helps with hosting, design and building your audience. You're on your own for a steady stream of fresh ideas.


10 Reasons You Should Try

The list of benefits a startup can earn from Contentmart's offerings is endless.


5 Writing Tactics to Win Hearts, Minds and More Business

Persuasive writing makes your content -- and your solution -- stand out from the rest. Sharpen your approach, and you'll connect with readers in a meaningful way.


5 Exercises That Improved My Technical Writing

It is always possible to edit a bad page, but not a blank page!


How to Create a Lead Magnet That Attracts Visitors and Converts Customers

No bait-and-switch here: Quality, relevant offers are the real way to get website users to opt in.

Business Process

5 Things Editors Wish Writers Did More Often

Editors are generally overworked and underpaid. Start focusing on making their lives easier.

Business News

4 Steps for Writing Long-Form Content

A blank page can be intimidating, but these steps will make mastering long-form content easier.


8 Important Steps I Follow to Write a Book a Year

Are you harboring that big business idea? Then crank up your computer and get started.


4 Must-Haves for Headlines That Hook Readers

Without the right words, your blog posts, flyers and ads may go unnoticed.