Personalization - Page: 3

This Is How You Discern the Person in All That Customer Personalization Data

Bring attribute data, behavioral data and deep engagement data together, all in one place.

Karl Wirth

Karl Wirth

3 Ways to Avoid Creepy Marketing Practices and Build Trust With Your Customers

Sometimes, too much personalization in marketing can feel a bit creepy.

Sanjay Castelino

Sanjay Castelino

3 Tweaks That Dramatically Improve Your Sales Funnel

Smoothing and personalizing the customer journey will convert more leads into sales, if you're persistent.

Lucinda Honeycutt

Lucinda Honeycutt

Netflix Shows Are Entertaining Enough, But It's the Digital Marketing That's Masterful

Effective digital marketing has more to do with creative strategies focused on the individual customer than it does with big budgets and advanced technology.

John Boitnott

John Boitnott

Facebook Messenger's New Tools Are Game-Changing for Marketers

With the release of Customer Chat, brands can take advantage of their websites and acquire new customers for free.

Jonathan Shriftman

Jonathan Shriftman

4 B2B Marketing Trends You Can't Afford to Miss in 2018

Lack of strategy is the primary reasons why content initiatives fail.

Syed Balkhi

Syed Balkhi

The One Strategy That Could More Than Double Your Sales

When you're working toward a massive sale, you can afford to invest time and money in a more personalized approach.

Marc Wayshak

Marc Wayshak

How to Increase Customer Lifetime Value And Boost Profits

It's cheaper to retain customers than get new ones; use these three strategies and five tactics to keep the ones you have. Your bottom line will thank you.

Susan Gunelius

Susan Gunelius

Where Is Social Media Headed in 2018 and Beyond?

Blockchain is poised to disrupt social media as much as it is disrupting currencies and payments.

Serenity Gibbons

Serenity Gibbons

How Different Is Today's Gen Z Youth?

Organizational learning environment is now becoming less and less interesting for students

Ameen Khwaja

Ameen Khwaja

Crave-Worthy Products Is How You Cut Through the Paradox of Choice

Your customers are bewildered by their options. Deliver unexpected delights to make choosing easy.

Alex Chriss

Alex Chriss

This Co-Founder Plants Roots at Colleges, Inspiring Students to Become Farmers

Freight Farms has learned that it has to give its customers the knowledge to succeed without too much individual handholding.

Lydia Belanger

Lydia Belanger